Furniture Removal

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Local Furniture Removal Experts

When it’s time to get rid of furniture, trust the pros at Precise Junk Removal! We do full-service furniture removal, so you’re free from the heavy lifting and disposal. Just show us what you want gone and we’ll take care of it.

  • Locally-Owned. We’re locally-owned and operated in Pasadena! Precise Junk Removal is a family business, not a franchise.
  • Experienced. Since we’ve been around since 2009, we’ve nearly seen it all! We can take anything from one piece to an entire home.
  • Convenient. We know you have a busy schedule! That’s why we’re there for you 7 days a week.

What We Take

If you need old furniture removal, we have your back! No matter the condition or where it is in your home,  we’ll get to it and get it out of your way. Even large sectionals and entertainment centers are no problem!

  • Couches and Recliners
  • Desks
  • Dining Sets
  • Entertainment Centers
  • Mattresses
  • TVs and Electronics
  • And more!

Furniture Removal Cost

Price is always a factor when booking a furniture removal service. That’s why we keep our pricing upfront and straightforward.

  • We’ll come by for a single piece or even a full room full of furniture.
  • We always give an upfront quote before getting started.
  • Our prices are volume-based, so you pay for how much junk you have.
  • There are never any hidden fees or surprises on your bill!

Book Now

Scheduling furniture removal in California is easy! We operate 7 days a week with same-day and next-day service often available.

  • Book Online. You can use our online tool to view our calendar. Then choose an appointment slot that works for you! You’ll also save some cash!
  • Call (626) 590-3118. Our friendly staff is always ready to help! We’ll answer your questions, then get you on the schedule.

More Than Just Junk Removal

Do you have more than just furniture? We do all types of junk removal and more! From landscaping to tree trimming, we have all the right services to get your home and property where you want it to be.

Whatever service you need, we have you covered. Our professional crew will take care of you from beginning to end. Let us plan, then professionally execute your junk removal needs! Call the pros to get clutter-free today.


Just Call (626) 590-3118 or email [email protected] for Your Instant Services Quote Today!

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